About us
My name is Gilles Ehrentrant and I invites you to discover my favorites and passions on the French Riviera. Different categories, quite broad (discover, understand, do, info), will allow you to choose your approach. The different and same articles are also classified by theme (culture, sport, event, unusual etc ...) and by location (Nice, Monaco, Villefranche sur Mer etc ...). These themes and locations will probably be multiplied over the months and years. As this blog is being continuously enriched, we invite you to regularly consult the latest publications posted, among others, in the right column entitled "latest publications".
A section "Good Addresses" offers businesses of all kinds that have caught my attention for the quality of their services and / or products but also the quality of the welcome that will be reserved to you.
Favorable to a responsible and quality tourism which respects the environment and the local inhabitants, while allowing a reasonable economic activity useful for employment. Equation not so simple in one direction and as in the other, not to say almost contradictory.
Ambassador French Riviera
I am honored to be an official ambassador for the "Côte d'Azur France" brand managed by the Côte d'Azur Regional Tourism Committee. This is a voluntary, informal activity on my part, without obligation or constraint. It is an public organism designed to enhance the territory in all its aspects (nature, culture, cities, museums, accommodation, winter sports, golf, Côte d'Azur Card, stays ...). This promotion is carried out through actions at tourist shows, a digital presence through websites for both individuals and professionals (tour operator, congress, etc.)... CRT Côte d'Azur is also present on social networks.
Find my interview here.
Rights of use of images and texts
The images (photos, videos, virtual tours etc.) on this site and the texts are modestly my hand and are in no way free of rights or use. These texts and images are protected by articles L 335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property (French and international laws). Many tools, including automatic, are able to monitor the duplication of content text and images on the web...It took me time to create this website : use and customization (HTML/CSS/PHP) of a CMS associated with a custom template. Writing these texts and making all the images that illustrate it are also quite time-consuming activities.
"Original" texts and duplicate contents
Irresistible Riviera texts are never copied and pasted from Wikipedia pages, press dispatches, official brand press releases or institutional bodies, as is still too often the case on the internet. This process of duplicate content, in SEO expert language, depletes the internet globally and is "punished" by search engines (Google Bing, Qwant etc ...). It is also quite easy to check the originality of a text by copying a dozen words surrounded by quotation marks in a search engine to check whether they are original texts or simple copy and paste ... Tools can also be used to perform this watch.
Thank you in advance for not using, without express and written authorization, the contents of irresistible-riviera.fr (texts, images, videos, virtual visits, photos etc ...) on other websites that Irresistible- Riviera.fr or on any other media like social networks, web, prints etc ...
These texts and images are protected by articles L 335-2 and following of the Code of intellectual property (French and international laws)
Webmaster service: advice, web creations, SEO, E commerce ...
Webmaster, web integrator, I can offer you the full range of website creation service, so-called 360 ° service. It starts with the optimization of SEO (good positioning in search engines mainly Google), ergonomics, the establishment of E-commerce module, the essential illustration to the attractiveness of your site, but also the web writing. More detail and information on our dedicated website www.ovalp.net for both consulting services, assistance to project management (AMO) or complete or partial achievements: www.ovalp.net
Picture marketing by photos, videos, virtual tours
Iam a professionnal photographer on the French Riviera for services as well intended for the professionals (Congresses, seminars of companies, illustrations, virtual visits, packshoot, corporate events etc ...) than with the particulars (photos real estate, weddings etc.). If you want to enhance and immortalize your professional or personal activities through photos, videos or virtual tours, we invite you to visit our dedicated website. www.nice-photographe.com
Thank you in advance for the time you spend visiting www.Irresistible-Riviera.fr to discover or rediscover the French Riviera. Feel free to send us a message in the contact section for any suggestion, remark or idea, we will try to answer you quickly.